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Nelson Zide’s Interactive Seminars on goal setting, time management and self-promotion help people in sales learn how to achieve their best. Nelson is well received because he is an entertaining, personable and inspirational communicator. As a high performing salesman and successful multi-office business manager himself, Nelson not only “talks the talk”, but he “walks the walk”. He knows where his audience is coming from and is acutely aware of their needs. He is a Degreed educator and a Senior Instructor for the Massachusetts Graduate Institute since 1984.

See Nelson in Action:

A Sampling of Nelson's Offerings
  • Don't Gamble with your Business (click to expand description)
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    Learn strategies to How to not only Generate Leads, but How to turn those Leads into Sales! Nelson will show how to develop effective systems for tracking key leads and building a database. He discusses developing a plan and the best methods of implementing that plan. He also discusses the importance of knowing your marketplace and the pertinent numbers relevant to buying and selling in that market. He finishes with effective techniques for turning leads into appointments and appointments into sales ... based on his decades of experience doing it himself.
  • The 4 P's of Prospecting
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    Prospecting is not everyone's favorite part of the business. One thing that makes it easier and more fun is being prepared and knowing your purpose. But the bottom line is, prospecting is a hands-on activity but a necessary one to make it in Real Estate. One key is, if you don't prospect when you are busy, you won't be busy for long. Nelson helps you craft a prospecting plan that focuses on doing the activities knowing the end result will take care of itself. This is a prospecting class that will help those who struggle with trying to do consistent prospecting.
  • Time Management - Take control of your life
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    Time Management is one of the most common places people struggle in their business. We're living in a world of total distraction with everyone on social media and having mobile devices constantly tugging us in different directions. Surviving in today's media world takes a plan and discipline. In this class, Nelson helps students assess themselves realistically for their strengths and weaknesses and then gives them valuable tips they can use to better control their time and be more efficient by utilizing carefully crafted habits as well as helping them eliminate or minimize common time-wasters. This class is a MUST for anyone needing to make the most of their time.
  • The 7 Biggest Ideas to Create & Convert Leads and Listings
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    In this class you'll get TONS of new ideas on how to generate more listing leads and how to convert them into listings and sales! Also learn tips on how to raise the level of your listing presentation and overall seller representation
  • Creating value in the client's eye
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    In this class, Nelson gives you 10 Key tips on creating value to the client so you can protect your commission. Many clients wonder what you do for your money. They don't understand what you do and all the details behind the scenes. Here, Nelson gives you tips on how to make some aspects of your work more visible so they can SEE the value.

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Phone: 724-252-7783

What they're Saying:
"I wish I could have attended all of these along with so many others. Good Topics!"

"Possibly the best speaker every year."
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